Skills Required to be an Actuary

As actuary is a very lucrative profession in terms of salary, designation, work environment, job and growth opportunities etc, many really long to become an actuary. But before actually starting the preparation, you should check whether you really have the skills required to be an Actuary. It is not at all possible for everybody to

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Applicability of Actuarial Science

Actuarial science is being widely used in many different industries nowadays. Actuarial science can make wonders when it is applied wherever risk is present. Though actuarial science has been applied in insurance and pension sectors since its origin, now the trend is being changed and it is widely used in different areas including shipping, consultation,

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What is an Actuary?

Actuaries are the experts in Actuarial Science and perform financial analysis to identify and gauge risk in financial services by making use of various statistical and financial models. What is the need for an actuary? In today’s world, there is so much integration between the financial systems prevalent in various parts of the world and

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What is the Casualty Actuarial Society?

The Casualty Actuarial Society, which is mostly abbreviated CAS, is an important professional society for those who practice actuary. This is the body that has the responsibility of granting the certifications to actuaries for being the Associate or Fellow of the CAS. The former is called Associate of Casualty Actuarial Society abbreviated ACAS and the

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Technology Advancements and Actuarial Science

Actuarial science involves complex calculations as they deal with large figures in the form of premiums or pension payouts and also because they play with mathematical theories including probability, statistics etc. Actuarial science became really advanced with technology changes. Before the introduction of calculator and then computer, the only option in front of actuaries and

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Genesis of Actuarial Science

Actuarial science is the area where risk is assessed using mathematical and statistical methods. It is being widely used nowadays in different sectors like banking, insurance etc. In fact, the concept of actuarial science has its roots in the ancient times. In Rome, there were funeral societies where each member contributed money to pay for

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